Bikram Puri, Director, Capital Harley-Davidson Chapter, said, "We are
very proud to be a part of the Father-Daughter Ride in partnership with
The Bindi Project and spread the message of fostering love and respect
for our daughters and women in the society. It was a great initiative
because it involved our daughters who are our lifelines and we really
enjoyed riding with them!"
Sunil Desai, Founder of The Bindi Project said, "On the occasion of the
3rd International Day of the Girl Child, I am deeply grateful to Harley
Owners Group for holding Father-Daughter rides across India and
encouraging fathers to pledge to love and respect their daughters and
share their own stories on social media with hashtag #mydaughtermypride.
These actions are exactly the kind that I believe will inspire other
men and boys to desire such relationships and foster love and respect
for all women and girls in India. We welcome and encourage all
individuals and communities of all types to join us."
On the occasion, several Harley owners across the nation also signed
The Bindi Project Pledge to treat their daughters with love and respect
and nurture and support all their children equally.