Showing posts with label Army. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Army. Show all posts

Friday, November 20, 2015

12 of the Strongest Armies in the World

Armies serve as general forms of protection in times of war and other forms of tension for their respective countries. However, some of them really stand out with their ultra-powerful abilities and distinct forms of discipline. Here are 12 of the strongest armies on earth:

The United States of America

The U.S. has a copious amount of investment going into their Air Force, Navy, and Army. According to many different studies, since 2014 the army of the United States of America has been considered one of the strongest armies in the world, if not the absolute strongest. More than $612 billion has been allotted for the military. That’s right, almost a trillion dollars has been given to America’s army. MURRRRICA!


Oh, Russia…one of the biggest superpowers in the world at this time. It used to be considered the most powerful army in the world, and is now changing the way that politics happen around it. I mean, it’s difficult to argue with a country that has over eight thousand nuclear weapons, which is the most any country in the world owns! Despite the war with Ukraine, almost everyone in the world is convinced that they have secretly been supplying global firepower to Ukrainian rebels, but who really knows?


Some have considered the Chinese military to be the strongest in the world. Why would that be? Simple. Don’t forget that China is the most heavily populated country in the world. Essentially, that means that they have far more people at their disposal to join their army. They’re not all talk either; apparently, they have been working on advanced aircraft carriers and stealth jet fighters. Soon enough, they’ll really make it to the number one strongest military!

India and Pakistan

If there are two countries in the world that are desperately trying to modernize their military, they are Pakistan and India. Because India is the second most populated country in the world, this idea has been proven over and over again. It also contains a large number of businesses that are committed to both technology and research. Due to this commitment, they have the resources to come up with newer weapon technology, plus the population number doesn’t hurt!

The United Kingdom

Soon the UK may not even been called as such! There is still talk about a vote on whether or not Scotland is going to separate from the rest of the United Kingdom or not. Regardless, Scotland is still a part of the United Kingdom. And while that may not seem to have actual relevance, actually a change in the country’s structure could have serious consequences on their firepower worldwide.
A British army soldier from the 21st Air Artillery Defense Battery prepares to raise the British flag during a transfer of authority ceremony in Hilmand Province, Afghanistan, May 1 2006. U.S. Army Soldiers are transferring Lashkar Gah Provincial Reconstruction Team to the British army soldiers. (U.S. Army Photo by Spc. Leslie Angulo) (Released) 


France decided to ‘freeze’ military spending in 2013. This means that it chose not to increase the spending in consistency with the rate of interest. In other words, one of the strongest armies in the world cut their military spending. One in ten people were thrown out of the military, as they were attempting to raise a little bit of extra cash to buy fancier equipment. I mean, firepower globally is way more important than people, right? These changes do not sound super extreme, meaning that France now only spends a mere 1.9% of its GDP on its military.


Everyone knows about the advancement of ISIS. They have been using violence to genuinely scare those around them, locally, as well as around the globe. Bordering countries with IS that have a strong presence are in some serious danger. Instead of  provoking local panic, Turkey has decided to deal with the problem head on, and invest roughly 10% more in 2015 than they did previously for their army.

South Korea

Similar to many other countries that have been split into two or more parts due to conflict, South Korea’s foundational problems still exist. They definitely need their army because of their lovely neighbor- North Korea, which has one of the most powerful armies in the world. This means that South Korea has to take their military’s moves very seriously, and the South Korean Army is just about as serious as it gets.


Generally speaking, Japan isn’t a country that is particularly known for its military powers. There have got to be many more countries that are ahead of in terms of a strong military, right? However, after all of the passive aggressive conflicts with China, Japan has prepared itself to be able to withstand any movement that could possibly be made by any of the strongest militaries on the planet.


One of the most incredible things about Israel’s army is not their global firepower, and not even their strength in relation to how small the country is. Instead, what really sets it apart as probably the most powerful army in the world: their treatment of women. Ever since Israel was established in 1948, it was founded on a totally equal basis – and that meant that women had the same rights and responsibilities as any male in the country. So, women are also required to serve in the army. Only Norway and Eritrea have similar military laws.
IDF Spokesperson - woman combat soldier 


Because of Egypt’s geographical location, it is able to partake in both Arabic affairs, as well as African. Actually, the UN has used this idea many times in the past, and they continue to do so. The cost of being one of the strongest armies in the world is a large portion of responsibility to what goes on their region. In fact, the Egyptian Constitution states that the Armed Forces belong to the People. Cool, right?


Brazil has the second largest army in all of Latin America, and has maintained this idea in order to keep everyone around them satisfied. This has been done in a stabilizing way, rather than with intention to conquer. With the help of the army, Brazil is now able to follow any deforestation that may occur, and try to prevent illegal poachers from taking anything dear and natural from the land. Brazil may not have the strongest military in the world, but they sure are compassionate to the earth and their people.

Islamic State May Join Hands With Lashkar for Attacks in India, Says Army

Islamic State May Join Hands With Lashkar for Attacks in India, Says ArmyJammu:  A top Army commander today said there was a "possibility" that global terror outfit Islamic State (IS) may join hands with Pakistan-based Lashkar-e-Taiba to launch attacks in India.

"Yes, that (IS joining hands with LeT to launch attacks in India) can be a possibility as the motive of the terrorists is to spread their propaganda.

"They want their name and for that, they can do anything. And if  they get successful, they can take advantage of it by using any name. Yes it is a possibility," General Officer Commanding of the 16 corps of the Army Lt General RR Nimbhorkar told reporters in Jammu today.

He was replying to a question whether IS can join hands with other terrorists outfits like LeT to launch Paris-type attacks in India.

Lt General RR Nimbhorkar also said there are around 700 active terrorists in Pakistan occupied Kashmir (PoK).

On a question about the number of terrorist training camps active across the Line of Control in the PoK, he said that from the inputs that the captured terrorist Navid has given there are around 37 active camps in that region.

"See, there are a number of launching pads and we are all aware of it as it is in the open domain. So, therefore, I will not exactly say as to how many are there," he said.

The army commander said, "There are sufficient number of launching pads and if you calculate that way... take the statement which is given by terrorist captured in Udhampur attack so you can easily co-relate what he said and calculate.

"So to my mind in the entire PoK there may be about 600-700 terrorists."

He said that out of the 700 terrorists present in the PoK, half of them are ready and waiting for a chance to infiltrate into the Indian side.

"Out of them, half are ready to be launched so they can come in the launch pad and get launched," he said.

The army commander said Navid had revealed that 35-37 terrorist camps were active in the PoK region.

"35 to 37 camps are there and if in every camp there are 20-30 (terrorists), then the total figure reaches to 600-700 and out of them half are ready to be launched," he said.

Lt General RR Nimbhorkar said the terrorists were looking for ways and means to infiltrate.

"We cannot say this with certainty whether the number has increased or decreased. In my opinion, it is their job to find ways and means to infiltrate and whenever they get a chance they do it and our job is to stop them and if one of them slips in and our job is to clear them. It is an ongoing game which keeps on going," he said.

Replying to a question about radicalisation of Kashmiri youth and their attraction towards IS ideology, he said that if any organisation wants to grow then it is bound to recruit people into its folds.

"See, right now, these are speculation and we cannot say anything about it. If any organisation wants to grow, they will definitely go for recruitment, it is their job and it is to be seen in how much area they get success. It depends on their propaganda," he added.

He said, "I cannot say this with any degree of certainty if they are present or not. IS flags which are being raised we have seen these are scattered incidents, in Srinagar we cannot say with certainty about their influence having increased."

He said that the need of the hour was to remain alert and be ready to face any eventuality.

"Right now, we have to do detailed analysis but at the end it is our job that we have to be ready all the time. We have to remain alert. Whatever the name be, be it the IS, the LeT, Hizb-ul-Mujahideen etc if they attack the final result would be the same. We have to guard against that final result and I want to assure you that we are always ready," he said.

On the question about the presence of IS in terrorist training camps in the PoK, Lt General Nimbhorkar said that nothing can be said with certainty about the presence of IS in PoK.

On reports about youth in Kashmir being radicalised by the use of Internet and that IS was trying to spread its ideology in the Valley through social media, the officer said that it has become a global problem.

"See management of the Internet is a worldwide problem. It is a power that can be used by anyone, who is not empowered by other means. They can use this media to their advantage. So how to fight it, is a different issue altogether and that has to be dealt and looked into its perspective," he said.

"This stance of yours that the IS is using the (social) media is correct and I have read it on the net that they are using it to their advantage. But I am quite certain people at the helm of affairs are aware of this and they will take necessary measures to counter it in a manner which is legal and firm," he said.

On another question about the threat of IS penetrating into the Kashmir Valley, he said, "I feel that and I have said it that IS is a worldwide problem and people are aware of this issue.

"As far as our area is concerned, whether it is IS whether it is LeT, they all are inimical to us and we have to be guarding against this. Our basic philosophy of not allowing them to intrude or infiltrate and we are geared up for the same. And so therefore any action on their part we are ready to counter them," he said.

He said that if terrorists would get a chance they would try to target the civilian areas as they have done in the past, but the methodology adopted by the army was helping prevent such attempts.

On the issue of Armed Forces Special Powers Act, Lt General Nimbhorkar said that the top brass of the force was aware of the issue and it was being discussed at the highest level in the government.

"They are aware about the issue of AFSPA and they will take up appropriate decision on it," he said.
Story First Published: November 19, 2015 22:46 IST

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Army Pays Tribute to 38-Year-Old Colonel Who Died Fighting Terrorists in Kashmir

Army Pays Tribute to 38-Year-Old Colonel Who Died Fighting Terrorists in Kashmir
Army pays tribute to Colonel Santosh Mahadik who was killed in an encounter with terrorists in north Kashmir
Srinagar:  The Army is today honouring Colonel Santosh Mahadik who was killed on Tuesday in a fierce gunbattle with terrorists in the forests of Kupwara in north Kashmir.

The 38-year-old Colonel of the Army's elite Para Commando force was the Commanding Officer of 41 Rashtriya Rifles. He was leading his troops in the encounter against four terrorists when he was shot and wounded. He died in hospital.

For the last one week, the Colonel and his troops had launched a cordon and search operation in Manigah forest area. Three days ago, two soldiers were injured in a gunfight but the terrorists managed to escape. That morning, as they zeroed in on the cordon, they came under heavy firing. Three soldiers and a Jammu and Kashmir police personnel were also injured in the gunfight.

Colonel Mahadik was from Maharashtra and is survived by his wife and two children, 11 and five years of age. The Army said the Colonel had conducted many successful counter-terrorist operations and had earlier been awarded the Sena medal for gallantry.

"We owe a deep debt of gratitude to officers like Santosh who lead from the front and are willing to pay the ultimate price in the fight against terrorism," Lieutenant General DS Hooda, Army Commander, Northern Command said.

Colonel Mahadik was the second senior officer killed while fighting terrorists in Kashmir.

Colonel MM Rai, commanding officer of 42 Rashtriya Rifles, was killed in January in an encounter with terrorists in south Kashmir's Tral area.
Story First Published: November 18, 2015 09:29 IST