Thursday, November 19, 2015

College Students More At Risk of Identity Theft

We often think that business people are more at risk of identity theft. But, this is not the truth. You will be surprised to know that most of the victims of identity theft are college students.
Students take this risk very lightly. They think they do not have much worth and so, what will the thieve benefit from students’ identity. But it’s just the opposite. The thieves are more interested in your identification documents. Also, their laptops are also less secured and are more vulnerable to hacking.

We need to understand whom we can trust and who can actually steal your identity information. Most of the time the culprits are average looking person like your ex-roommate, library friend, an open WiFi or any such person whom you will least suspect and who can easily get away with your ID information.
We have a very interesting infographic here telling us more about identity theft in colleges and how the students can save themselves from being a victim.

id theft infographic